
HawkSoft Plans to Support Windows 11

Written by HawkSoft Marketing Editorial Team | Jun 29, 2021 7:58:49 PM

Image source: Microsoft

Last updated: 9/3/21

Microsoft has announced that Windows 11 will be  released to the public starting 10/05/21, which will be the start of a "phased and measured" rollout that will happen gradually. We’d like to notify our customers that we plan to support HawkSoft on Windows 11 upon its general release, as we’ve done with all previous major versions of Microsoft Windows.


How is Windows 11 being released?

Microsoft plans to begin the rollout with new devices being shipped by Microsoft and PCs that are considered "in-market" by Microsoft (those currently running Windows 10 and considered eligible as deemed by Microsoft's PC Health Check app), which can upgrade for free via the Windows Update app. Not everyone will have access to upgrade to Windows 11 on 10/05/21, but Microsoft expects all eligible devices to be offered the upgrade to Windows 11 by mid-2022.  We do not yet know the timeline or nature of the groups in their phased rollout.  


How will HawkSoft work on Windows 11?

Our Development and QA team is testing HawkSoft on the Windows 11 beta version available to software developers so that we can make any system updates needed to fully support Windows 11 on both local and online installations.

The newest version of HawkSoft (Version 5.3) is designed to be compatible with what we know so far about Windows 11, and we will continue to make updates to HawkSoft as needed. Our testing has revealed that while older versions of CMS will primarily function properly on Windows 11, the user interface rendering of some CMS components will be impacted due to the design changes introduced in Windows 11. This will only impact users with a local installation of HawkSoft, as HawkSoft Online users are automatically updated to the newest available version of HawkSoft.

For this reason, we recommend that users on a local installation who wish to upgrade to Windows 11 also update HawkSoft to Version 5.3 or higher. See instructions for updating your local installation here

The HawkSoft Online environment will not be updated to Windows 11 at this time. HawkSoft Online users may update their local devices to Windows 11 with no effect on HawkSoft.  


How is Windows 11 different from Windows 10?

Windows describes the main differences from Windows 10 as being a “redesigned and refreshed look” and “new tools, sounds, and apps.” See Microsoft's announcement for the top new features and enhancements included in Windows 11. 

Should my agency update to Windows 11?

We encourage agencies to work with their IT administrators to determine whether to update their systems to Windows 11 when it becomes available. You can see the specs and computer requirements for Windows 11 here


As always, HawkSoft is committed to supporting all operating systems supported by Microsoft and used by independent agents, and we look forward to the benefits this update may bring to your agency. We are proud to welcome and support the next era of Microsoft Windows!




Learn more about Windows 11