Sales Pipeline Automation: AgencyZoom & Ameriguard Insurance Podcast Recap

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast involves contributors outside of HawkSoft. The participants' views are entirely their own and may not reflect the views of HawkSoft.

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An Agency in Your Pocket: Insurance Agent App & Atkinson Insurance Agency podcast Recap

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast involves contributors outside of HawkSoft. The participants' views are entirely their own and may not reflect the views of HawkSoft.

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Building pipelines: InsuredMine & Texan Insurance podcast recap

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast involves contributors outside of HawkSoft. The participants' views are entirely their own and may not reflect the views of HawkSoft.

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Customer retention: ClientCircle & Cowart Agency podcast recap

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast involves contributors outside of HawkSoft. The participants' views are entirely their own and may not reflect the views of HawkSoft.

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Retention & remarketing toolbox for beating the hard market

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Drive more sales with Sales Pipeline

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How to use the Net Promoter Score survey to increase customer retention

5% increase in retention can lead to 25%-95% increase in profit(Source: Bain & Company)

Harvard Business Review says, “acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than...

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